As of May 2023, Sweet Run State Park is now a Virginia State Park under the full management of the Virginia Department of Conservation and Recreation.  Our non-profit organization has been renamed the Between The Hills Conservancy (formerly known as Blue Ridge Center for Environmental Stewardship) and will transition to become the State Park’s Friends support group.  Watch this space for further information on how you can get involved to help preserve this special part of Virginia!

Morning Walk with a Ranger

13 Oct 2024

Walk with a Ranger

From 8:30am until 10:30am

At Sweet Run State Park

Click to find out more...

Walk with a Ranger

13 Oct 2024

From 8:30am until 10:30am

At Sweet Run State Park

Click to find out more...

Playtime Past & Present

13 Oct 2024

From 12:30pm until 2:30pm

At Sweet Run State Park

Click to find out more...

Click to see the Events Calendar

Between the Hills Conservancy (formerly known as Blue Ridge Center for Environmental Stewardship) advocates for the conservation and stewardship of the natural, cultural, historical, and agricultural resources of Sweet Run State Park and the Between the Hills region, and was formerly known as Blue Ridge Center for Environmental Stewardship.

Partners and Supporters